
Friday, 6 November 2015

An archive of old Davnob information (pre 2015) can be accessed from here. Scroll down to read items recently archived...

Sad News about Colin Davidovitz

Colin Davidovitz z"l


Davnob is very sad to announce that Colin Davidovitz has died at the age of just 91 (yesterday was his birthday). Colin was the second of Uncle Lammie’s three children. He worked for many years in television, and it was at STV that he met Catherine, to whom he was married for fifty years (she died in 2009). They had four children and seven grandchildren, and he lived to see four great-grand-children. After retiring from TV-AM in 1993, he entered politics and served as a Conservative Councillor for nearly twenty years, eventually becoming Chairman of Hampshire County Council. 

For a family as large and disparate as ours it can be difficult to keep contact, but Colin was one of those people who did, and it was great seeing him at family events and reunions over the years. For the ‘Davnob generation’ he was for many years our oldest cousin.  In 2018 he started to write a fascinating account of his life, that was eventually published in Davnob. (The link is  here). Davnob wishes his whole family ‘a long life’ and condolences and warm wishes.  (see messages below from Judy Frankel and Clive and Wendy Noble).

Colin with sister Katherine and brother Cyril, and mum, Rose-Marie.

Colin with his great-grand-children

Judy Frankel writes: I’m so very sorry to learn this sad news.  Colin was a particularly likeable and remarkable person with an exceptional and distinguished career at different times in his life in so many different fields.  I’m sure he will be deeply missed by everyone who knew him.
Clive and Wendy Noble write: Ahh, so sad but 91 is a good age... we had a couple of great days with lots of chatting and reminiscing when Colin made a visit to Israel in 2018.  Here we are at the Baha'i Gardens in Haifa.  Love to all the family.

News from Colin Davidowitz

DAVNOB recently heard that as a result of ill-health, Colin Davidoitz has decided to resign from Hampshire County Council as he has a problem with his spinal chord which was affecting his mobility. The whole family wishes him a speedy recovery, and good health. For many years Colin served on the council, where he was clearly highly respected and much admired. Until last year he was Chairman of the Council. DAVNOB was delighted to learn that the Council has just voted for Colin to be made an Alderman, the Honour is to be awarded at a ceremony at the Castle on beginning of January next year.

Lionel and the Lotus

The following was a piece that Lionel wrote in a letter to Liz in 1999. 
Knowing that DAVNOB readers would find it fascinating, Liz forwarded 
it to us for the archives. 

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