Friday 18 March 2016

Message from Jonathan Davidson

Following the sad news about Laurie Davidson, we just received the following email from Jonathan:

Thank you everyone for your wonderful messages of condolence, sympathy and support and your fond reminiscences of Laurie. Rachel read them all and was extremely appreciative, adding that she felt a great sense of support and comfort from such an outpouring of love and and sympathy and fond recollections from so many family members. She will try and convey her thanks and appreciation in her own words to you all collectively, though you will understand that she’s unable to respond to everyone individually.

Rachel is doing as well as can be expected in the distressing circumstances, and fortunately can count on a lot of emotional and practical support from her immediate family who live nearby – Jimmy as well as Danny and his lovely wife Helena and their delightful daughters, Ella (9) and Josey (6). Adam joined us from his home in Zurich. Although Gideon was ready to fly from his home in Japan, he was discouraged from travelling due to the great distance and the impossibility of getting there in time to say goodbye to his father.  In her grief, Rachel took some comfort in the knowledge that in his final years Laurie found enormous contentment, satisfaction and pride in building and caring for the architecturally distinguished house and surrounding gardens and orchards that he and Rachel developed together, making the most of their beloved Algarve region.

Some of you asked about Rachel’s health following a serious heart valve issue last summer. I’m glad to report that she is continuing to make a strong recovery and fighting back with indomitable spirit to stay active and healthy. 

I flew home yesterday (Wednesday) following a funeral ceremony on Tuesday that was in keeping with Laurie’s wishes and spirit - low-key, dignified, respectful of his unaffiliated but strong Jewish identity, and surrounded by close family. Rachel is thinking of organizing a celebration of Laurie’s life for a wider circle at a later date.

With thanks again and love to all, Jonathan.

Saturday 12 March 2016

Laurie Davidson

Davnob was sad to receive the following letter from Jonathan Davidon:

Very sad to let you know that Laurie died this morning. May his memory be for a blessing.

Please send condolence messages to Rachel at: CP 672/T, Quelfes, Olhao 8700 206, Portugal. Or if you prefer I will collect email messages of sympathy and pass them along to Rachel.

I’m setting off within the hour to join Rachel and three of their boys (Jimmy, Danny and Adam ) in Portugal for a few days. I don’t think Rachel will be expecting other visitors at this stage.

With much sadness and love to all, Jonathan.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Stone-setting for Gertie

Davnob received the following message from David Taylor (Dudie) about Gertie's Stonesetting:

The memorial to the memory of my late sister

Gertie (Gertrude) Taylor

will be consecrated on

Sunday 3rd April 2016 at 2:45pm


Rainham Federation Cemetery

Upminster Road North
RM13 9SB