Wednesday 1 June 2016

Davnob remembers David Bowie and our second cousin!

We continue the happy news season with Joyous June, and an interesting family snippet from Martin.

Paul Noble was recently demonstrating his sound system to Martin, and playing David Bowie's Space Oddity, which set off some family thoughts. Martin writes: I remembered hearing that Mick Wayne (Lou & Sybil's son) had played on the allbum. So I googled him. What I hadn't realised was that he actually played lead guitar on that track - and it really is a sublime guitar solo which ends with the the famous sound of an electric guitar string breaking - which it turns out wasn't intentional. There is a You Tube video which is a tribute to Mick - he appears to have a lot of fans. So how about a tribute to him in Davnob. The link is:

I can't think why we haven't known that he played that particular solo all these years. But I did know he was a member of Tony Visconti's proto group The Hype, which I think were Bowie's backing band. I remember seeing them on an  early Saturday evening tv chat show in 1969 I think - it may have been Simon Dee - and at the time the novelty was that they were deliberately manufactured by a record producer (Visconti) in a very contrived but artsy way, rather like Sigue Sigue Sputnik in the 80s. i.e. there was no pretence that The Hype were anything but a 'manufactured' band and that was done to get them publicity and it worked briefly. I think Sybil must told have Edie he was going to be on the telly and Edie then mentioned it to me.

Martin sent two further links:


Michael Wayne

So for those who are still not fully conversant with the intricacies of the family tree....

Michael and Robin were the sons of Lou and Sybil Wayne. Lou (son of Ray) was the grandson of Uncle Melach, Grandma Davidson's oldest brother (See the family history book: Davnob Generations, Page 15 and 86). So Michael was in fact Martin's second cousin once removed, so (although roughly the same age) a different generation -  (keep up there at the back, this is simple genealogy). Robin, the younger brother became a solicitor and lives in Rye, and Michael became an (obviously very talented) musician. Very sadly he died in a house fire in 1994 in Michigan, leaving two daughters, Sarah and Abigail.

Danny's Great Feet - The London to Brighton Trek

Congratulations to Danny Noble who completed a non-stop 28 hours, 100 kilometre walk from London to Brighton and managed to raise over £2600 for Parkinson's UK.

Here she is (above) just finishing the 28 hour trek 
with fellow-trekkies Emma and Andy  
and (below) Danny's record of how she actually felt...

A great conclusion to the Merry Month of May Season on Davnob.