Wednesday 23 November 2016

Rose Taylor

Davnob is sad to hear of the untimely death of  Rose Taylor just a few days short of her 100th birthday.  Our thoughts are with her brother, Doodie, and his family.

Rosie was the daughter of Auntie Leah (the sister of Grandma Noble, 'Buba'), so was cousin to Lou, Zig, Charlie and Bernie. She and Gertie (who died a few years ago) were inseparable, and always interested in what the extended family was doing, and there are many cousins today who will be remembering their childhood visits to see them - happy memories of two lovely ladies.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

New Arrivals!

Davnob is delighted to pass on the news of two new arrivals to the family.

On 9th September Sara and Matt had a daughter, Hana (above left, at five weeks), and on 31st October Emma and Paul had a son, Ziggie (above right, at one day).  

Mazal Tov from the whole family to them all, and of course to Martin and Chris, and Steve and Joan.