Thursday 16 February 2017

Welcome to Isabella Kate Lawson

Louise and Isabella (Day One)

Following the recent Davnob welcome to Hana (h/t Sara and Mat) and Ziggie (h/t Emma and Paul) Davnob correspondent, Liz, added the wonderful news that John and Roberta are now proud grandparents, and Emily, who has just finished her degree in French and Spanish, is a very proud Auntie. Louise gave birth to Isabella Kate was born on 6th October to Louise and James.

Great Grandma Kate (98 next week) is now the proud great grandmother of four beautiful great granddaughters. She has already seen plenty of Isabella, as Louise has been to visit her several times since the birth. Paul's Tamara has three beauties in Brazil, Cuara, Yana, and Yasmin (familiar to facebook readers) so the tribe is ever increasing!

 Mazal Tov from the whole family to them all!

Incidentally, Isabella Kate is in safe hands, since Louise is a paediatrician (and was reported as working right up until the last moment). 

And for family historians, Liz notes that Louise is the first medical doctor in the family since Emilia Salit (see below) - Grandma’s niece from Vilna, calculated to be Louise’s first cousin twice removed!