Wednesday 27 December 2017

Mazal Tov to Nadav and Reut, to Rachel and Yehudah, and to Judy,

Great News to welcome in 2018.  Davnob is delighted to hear the news that Judy is a Savta Raba, the first Noble Great-Grandmother of the Davnob generation. Mazal Tov to Nadav and Reut, to Rachel and Yehudah, and of course to Judy.  The Savta Raba writes: 

I'm overjoyed to let you know that Rachel and Yehudah became grandparents today when a baby daughter was born in Tel Aviv to their eldest son Nadav and his wife Reut!  This makes me a great-grandma - or Savta Raba!  I 'll send you a photo as soon as I have one containing Reut - she's still sleeping it off!

With much love and every good wish for a fabulous 2018!
