Saturday 9 May 2020

Happy Birthday - Iri

Davnob sends warm wishes to Iri Foreman on the occasion
of his 80th birthday - a great whisky fuelled zoom-celebration 
brought together various family members and friends from around the world.

Thursday 7 May 2020

Shame Pudding - a (Noble) graphic memoir

For those who have somehow overlooked the intense interest shown on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and in the world of Graphic Novels, Davnob is delighted to bring to your attention the trailer for Danny's forthcoming Graphic Memoir (available in UK from Blackwells and Amazon, and in US from (appropriately) Barnes and Noble. You don't want to miss it!
(Click to watch).

A celebration of the wacky and wonderful Jewish grandmothers who nurtured the author as she grew from a kid struggling with anxiety and insecurity to a teen finding her own voice.