Saturday 20 June 2020

Steve Noble interviews Martin Noble - on Zoom (July 7th: 2.30)

Davnob received the following intriguing email from Steve Noble:

Dear Family.

It is my privilege to be asked (actually pushed by Joan!) to interview our Martin for one of the weekly sessions being run by our Synagogue …”Meeting Writers".  Below is all the information relating to it and the link to the Zoom meeting - with meeting number and password in case the link doesn’t open. 

It should be interesting and I hope I do justice in interviewing Martin. Hope you can make it, but if not, it is being recorded and can be accessed about a week later on the Mosaic website.

Much love,   Steve x

Meet the Author – Martin Noble
Tuesday, July 7 - 2.30 pm.  
Steve Noble will interview Martin Noble.“

Martin’s current bread-and-butter work is book-editing for publishers, mainly academic books, chiefly arts, philosophy and humanities for Oxford University Press and Routledge

Among the many authors whose books he has edited or with whom he has collaborated over the past 50 years are:Gary Barlow, George Best, Richard Branson, Anthony Burgess, Alan Carr, Tony Hawks, Sir Derek Jacobi, Stephen King, Jerzy Kosinski, Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber, Colin MacInness, Gareth Malone, Dr Anne Merriman (Founder of Hospice Africa), Dame Jenni Murray, Pat Phoenix, Vic Reeves, Eva Schloss (Anne Franks stepsister, Holocaust survivor), Louis Spence, Rosie Swale-Pope, MBE, Pete Townsend, Ruby Wax, Henry Wermouth (Holocaust survivor), Colin Wilson to name just a few……….“

The interview will be via Zoom at 2:30 pm.

Meeting ID: 854 0516 3132
Password: 576174

If you don’t have a computer / tablet / smart phone, you can still dial in on 0203 481 5240 (standard charges apply) – meeting ID and password as above