Sunday 31 October 2021

Dr.Emilia Salit-Aleksandrowicz (1901 - 1982)

This is Dr.Emilia Salit-Aleksandrowicz
(the cousin of Joe, Moishe, Sophie, Lammie, Geoffie, Edie, Minnie, Cyril and Lionel)
The daughter of Tevye Salit (Grandma's brother) she grew up in Vilna (now Vilnius) and trained as a doctor. 
In 1939 she married Daniel Aleksandrowicz.
When the Vilna Ghetto was set up by the Nazis she worked to prevent the spread of infectious diseases 
(the Nazis used the fear of typhus etc as an excuse for rounding up Jews and sending them to the death camps).
When the ghetto was liquidated in 1943 she was sent to Kaiserwald, the AEG slave-labour camp at Riga. By sheer chutzpah and determination she managed to set up semi-clandestine medical facilities there. Despite a series of dramatic events she survived the war and became an Oncologist in Poland and later in Israel.
More details and extracts from her memoir will be posted on Danob soon.