Friday 25 November 2022

Welcome Bertie

Davnob is delighted to hear the news that 
Holly and Tom
have introduced
 Bertie Ernest Jones
to the World

first grandson to Ruth and Paul Schuster

first great-grandson to Wendy and Clive Noble

and to Vivienne Schuster

Mazal Tov to all the families.

Friday 4 November 2022

November News

Calum Turner

Davnob was sad to hear news of the untimely death of Calum Gilbert Turner RIP at age of 65. Calum was the son of Kathleen and Gilbert Turner, and grandson of Uncle Lammie and Auntie Rose. Sympathy and warm wishes to Sandra, David and Freddy.

Other news

On a happier note - congratulations to Paul Noble (in UK) and Zippi Noble (in USA) on reaching half-way to a century. As they say ‘Ad Me’a Ve’esrim’.

On an urgent mission from America, Jonathan Davidson was passing through town recently - his task was to supply Mrs Rose of Palmers Green with high-tech pharmaceutical equipment (a pill-cutter). Davnob is delighted to announce that the mission was successful.

Meanwhile Sara and Ron Torten are off to explore the wilds of Antartica.  Don't forget to take the suntan cream!

More news from the Foremans. Iri writes (about Margie's family) that Inbar graduated with her MD and is now Dr Shafran, and Adi (recently married to Harel Cherchi) has graduated in Physiotherapy, whilst Asaf is a lieutenant in the Israel Air Force. Meanwhile (in Sara's family in America) Oren, who graduated last year as a lawyer, was married recently in San Francisco to Tatem Katz who graduated with a Ph.D. in Biological Statistics this summer.

More news as it comes in!