Thursday 8 December 2016

See the new Davnob Gallery 2017

See the new Davnob Gallery 2017 - click here or on the link below.

Grandma and Lionel (late 1920s) 
and Grandpa (Avram Haim) and Joe (pre-1905).

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Rose Taylor

Davnob is sad to hear of the untimely death of  Rose Taylor just a few days short of her 100th birthday.  Our thoughts are with her brother, Doodie, and his family.

Rosie was the daughter of Auntie Leah (the sister of Grandma Noble, 'Buba'), so was cousin to Lou, Zig, Charlie and Bernie. She and Gertie (who died a few years ago) were inseparable, and always interested in what the extended family was doing, and there are many cousins today who will be remembering their childhood visits to see them - happy memories of two lovely ladies.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

New Arrivals!

Davnob is delighted to pass on the news of two new arrivals to the family.

On 9th September Sara and Matt had a daughter, Hana (above left, at five weeks), and on 31st October Emma and Paul had a son, Ziggie (above right, at one day).  

Mazal Tov from the whole family to them all, and of course to Martin and Chris, and Steve and Joan.

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Davnob remembers David Bowie and our second cousin!

We continue the happy news season with Joyous June, and an interesting family snippet from Martin.

Paul Noble was recently demonstrating his sound system to Martin, and playing David Bowie's Space Oddity, which set off some family thoughts. Martin writes: I remembered hearing that Mick Wayne (Lou & Sybil's son) had played on the allbum. So I googled him. What I hadn't realised was that he actually played lead guitar on that track - and it really is a sublime guitar solo which ends with the the famous sound of an electric guitar string breaking - which it turns out wasn't intentional. There is a You Tube video which is a tribute to Mick - he appears to have a lot of fans. So how about a tribute to him in Davnob. The link is:

I can't think why we haven't known that he played that particular solo all these years. But I did know he was a member of Tony Visconti's proto group The Hype, which I think were Bowie's backing band. I remember seeing them on an  early Saturday evening tv chat show in 1969 I think - it may have been Simon Dee - and at the time the novelty was that they were deliberately manufactured by a record producer (Visconti) in a very contrived but artsy way, rather like Sigue Sigue Sputnik in the 80s. i.e. there was no pretence that The Hype were anything but a 'manufactured' band and that was done to get them publicity and it worked briefly. I think Sybil must told have Edie he was going to be on the telly and Edie then mentioned it to me.

Martin sent two further links:


Michael Wayne

So for those who are still not fully conversant with the intricacies of the family tree....

Michael and Robin were the sons of Lou and Sybil Wayne. Lou (son of Ray) was the grandson of Uncle Melach, Grandma Davidson's oldest brother (See the family history book: Davnob Generations, Page 15 and 86). So Michael was in fact Martin's second cousin once removed, so (although roughly the same age) a different generation -  (keep up there at the back, this is simple genealogy). Robin, the younger brother became a solicitor and lives in Rye, and Michael became an (obviously very talented) musician. Very sadly he died in a house fire in 1994 in Michigan, leaving two daughters, Sarah and Abigail.

Danny's Great Feet - The London to Brighton Trek

Congratulations to Danny Noble who completed a non-stop 28 hours, 100 kilometre walk from London to Brighton and managed to raise over £2600 for Parkinson's UK.

Here she is (above) just finishing the 28 hour trek 
with fellow-trekkies Emma and Andy  
and (below) Danny's record of how she actually felt...

A great conclusion to the Merry Month of May Season on Davnob. 

Tuesday 24 May 2016

The Merry Month of May - Good introduction

Roger writes: Browsing through Waterstone's I noticed their big display promoting Lionel's second novel 'The Rose of Tibet'. I checked it out, and found it's got a fantastic introduction by Anthony Horowitz - well worth taking a look.

Monday 9 May 2016

The Merry Month of May

Dave Noble wrote to add to the May Season of Good News. 

Dave reminded us that in May he and Soph are celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary, that Timna and Darren have been together for 25 years, and of course DAVNOB has to congratulate Tom and Mary on their engagement.

Keep the good news rolling!

Friday 6 May 2016

The Merry Month of May - News from the Frankel segment

In response to the editorial plea for good news, Judy sent the following:

Nadav - Rachel and Yehudah's eldest son, who is 21 - will be getting married on June 30th to a most beautiful and talented Israeli, Reut Horden.  They met on their army base but she actually finished her army service two weeks ago and is about to start studying law at Bar Ilan University in the autumn. They'll be marrying on Kibbutz Maaleh Hahamishah.  

Congratulations to Nadav and Reut (and parents and grandparents of course) from all the Davnobs.

Jeremy, who as you perhaps know has a media company called Quite Frankly Productions, will be covering the Rio Olympics, just as he has worked on all the summer and winter Olympics since Beijing. When the Games were in London four years ago, his company won the contract to follow and film the entire torch relay across the whole of the UK (72 days) and each evening the BBC screened his half-hour compilations of that day's highlights including interviews with several of the participants.  Much of his footage was included in Danny Boyle's Opening Ceremony.  Amazingly, Quite Frankly has been successful in beating off a great deal of opposition (together with an associate company) to secure the same coverage in this year's Games and the flame will be arriving in Brazil this week.  Jeremy's company will follow it for the next hundred days before getting cracking on the Games themselves.

Keep checking back - more good news later at the start of next week...

Tuesday 3 May 2016

The Merry Month of May - Spring Update

Time for some positive family news

This month Danny Noble will be walking from London to Brighton in aid of Parkinson UK. DAVNOB reporter Lobby Lud caught up with her at the end of a training session. 

Dragging her away from the pub (where she was bathing her blisters in Malvolio Claxendell's best dry Somerset Cider) she commented, "We made it 40 miles back from Chichester. Never again. Oh wait, maybe again but 63 miles at the end of May. MADNESS I TELL YOU. We are fundraising for Parkinsons UK, please donate to make this suffering worth our while!"

You can donate at 

(Competition - you are invited to decide which is the 'before' training and which the'after' in the photo montage above)

We need more happy news to kick off the summer so send news and updates to:

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Condolences to Rosalie Ajzensztejn

Rosalie Ajzensztejn (Auntie Mildred's niece), wanted the family to know the sad news that her husband Serge died at Pesach. She sent the following message:

So sad to tell you that Serge died last night on Sunday 24 April 2016. We will miss him hugely but at long last the suffering is over.

For those of you who would like to attend the funeral it will be this Thursday 28 April at 9.50am.  Because it is the seventh day of Pesach rather than prayers we may hold the Mincha Service here at our house around 3 or 4pm and there will be prayers as normal on Sunday evening 1 May.

The funeral will be held at The Western Cemetery.

Bulls Cross Ride,
Cheshunt EN7 5HT

Going on the M25 you take exit 25 then take the A10 in the direction of central London. Turn right at the first set of traffic lights then right at the mini roundabout.

It is opposite Tottenham Hotspur Training grounds on the left.  Take the road on right and follow the signs to the cemetery.

For further information/maps etc., see:

If you can think of someone who may have known Serge and would like to pay their respects please feel free to tell them as my list is probably incomplete. They are welcome either to come to the funeral or pop in to say hello from tomorrow onwards.

Love to you all and again thank you for all the support you have given to us.


Saturday 2 April 2016

Message from Rachel Barnard

Davnob received the following email from Rachel

Hi Everyone,

First, thank you so much for your emails and I do apologise for not answering individually. It is a great comfort to know that so many people had such kind words to say about Laurie.

We are having a commemoration of Laurie's life on Sunday 24th April, here in our house in Boa Vista, starting at 2.00 PM. I hope you will be able to come and have a few drinks to remember him. Please do let me know whether you can come as I need numbers for catering.

Anyone that wants to commemorate Laurie's life is welcome. We are quite a bit out of the way and people have prior engagements, so I do understand how difficult is for people to come.Nevertheless it is unfortunate that nobody from his family, other than his sons, can come. I am sure that people will celebrate his life in their own way.

When Pepe, our Portuguese Waterdog died, we needed a companion for Bica, another Portuguese Waterdog. 

We went to Goldra, a kennel for abandoned dogs looking for a dog about Bica's age 10, and size. But just as we went in Laurie spotted a dog who came to him and put his great head on his lap. And that was that, except that Ruppee is, we believe, a 3 years old Irish Woolfhound, twice Bica's size. Ruppee became his dog and gave him much pleasure. The kennel is run by dedicated volunteers and needs financial help. If you would like to make a small gesture to honor Laurie's memory, you could  send a donation to the kennel to the following bank particulars:
Banco Novo Loule
NIB0007000000146241469 23

Friday 18 March 2016

Message from Jonathan Davidson

Following the sad news about Laurie Davidson, we just received the following email from Jonathan:

Thank you everyone for your wonderful messages of condolence, sympathy and support and your fond reminiscences of Laurie. Rachel read them all and was extremely appreciative, adding that she felt a great sense of support and comfort from such an outpouring of love and and sympathy and fond recollections from so many family members. She will try and convey her thanks and appreciation in her own words to you all collectively, though you will understand that she’s unable to respond to everyone individually.

Rachel is doing as well as can be expected in the distressing circumstances, and fortunately can count on a lot of emotional and practical support from her immediate family who live nearby – Jimmy as well as Danny and his lovely wife Helena and their delightful daughters, Ella (9) and Josey (6). Adam joined us from his home in Zurich. Although Gideon was ready to fly from his home in Japan, he was discouraged from travelling due to the great distance and the impossibility of getting there in time to say goodbye to his father.  In her grief, Rachel took some comfort in the knowledge that in his final years Laurie found enormous contentment, satisfaction and pride in building and caring for the architecturally distinguished house and surrounding gardens and orchards that he and Rachel developed together, making the most of their beloved Algarve region.

Some of you asked about Rachel’s health following a serious heart valve issue last summer. I’m glad to report that she is continuing to make a strong recovery and fighting back with indomitable spirit to stay active and healthy. 

I flew home yesterday (Wednesday) following a funeral ceremony on Tuesday that was in keeping with Laurie’s wishes and spirit - low-key, dignified, respectful of his unaffiliated but strong Jewish identity, and surrounded by close family. Rachel is thinking of organizing a celebration of Laurie’s life for a wider circle at a later date.

With thanks again and love to all, Jonathan.

Saturday 12 March 2016

Laurie Davidson

Davnob was sad to receive the following letter from Jonathan Davidon:

Very sad to let you know that Laurie died this morning. May his memory be for a blessing.

Please send condolence messages to Rachel at: CP 672/T, Quelfes, Olhao 8700 206, Portugal. Or if you prefer I will collect email messages of sympathy and pass them along to Rachel.

I’m setting off within the hour to join Rachel and three of their boys (Jimmy, Danny and Adam ) in Portugal for a few days. I don’t think Rachel will be expecting other visitors at this stage.

With much sadness and love to all, Jonathan.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Stone-setting for Gertie

Davnob received the following message from David Taylor (Dudie) about Gertie's Stonesetting:

The memorial to the memory of my late sister

Gertie (Gertrude) Taylor

will be consecrated on

Sunday 3rd April 2016 at 2:45pm


Rainham Federation Cemetery

Upminster Road North
RM13 9SB

Saturday 2 January 2016

Family History Update 2016

It’s time for the latest update on the Family History.  As usual the focus has been on the Salits – Grandma Davidson’s family. Since I started checking, the JewishGen website has added more data, and there is now a lot more information about Uncle Tuvye (Grandma’s brother in Vilna) and also about her sister, Sorretel’s family (the Lantsmans) in Kovno. More intriguing there seems to have been another brother we’ve never heard of – Berko Salit.  The most interesting finding regarded Tuvye’s son, Solomon.

The new data also reveals that the father of Tuvye (and thus father of Grandma, Sorretel, Melach and Jack)  was a man called Ruvel (sometimes written as Ruvel or Ruven Yosef) – a family name that often reappears. (According to Sophie he died very young).

But first to recap. Grandma (Annie/Anna/Hannah) Davidson had three brothers, Melach, Tuvye (Tevel) and Jack, and a sister Sorretel (who married Tsodik Lantsman).
In  the 1890s, Melach, Grandma and Jack came to Hull, but Tuvye and Sorretel remained in Lithuania, Tuvye in Vilna (part of Poland between 1922 and 1939) and Sorretel in Kaunas (Kovno).  So basically I have been researching Tuvye and Sorretel’s families.

Click here to read on.