Friday 6 May 2016

The Merry Month of May - News from the Frankel segment

In response to the editorial plea for good news, Judy sent the following:

Nadav - Rachel and Yehudah's eldest son, who is 21 - will be getting married on June 30th to a most beautiful and talented Israeli, Reut Horden.  They met on their army base but she actually finished her army service two weeks ago and is about to start studying law at Bar Ilan University in the autumn. They'll be marrying on Kibbutz Maaleh Hahamishah.  

Congratulations to Nadav and Reut (and parents and grandparents of course) from all the Davnobs.

Jeremy, who as you perhaps know has a media company called Quite Frankly Productions, will be covering the Rio Olympics, just as he has worked on all the summer and winter Olympics since Beijing. When the Games were in London four years ago, his company won the contract to follow and film the entire torch relay across the whole of the UK (72 days) and each evening the BBC screened his half-hour compilations of that day's highlights including interviews with several of the participants.  Much of his footage was included in Danny Boyle's Opening Ceremony.  Amazingly, Quite Frankly has been successful in beating off a great deal of opposition (together with an associate company) to secure the same coverage in this year's Games and the flame will be arriving in Brazil this week.  Jeremy's company will follow it for the next hundred days before getting cracking on the Games themselves.

Keep checking back - more good news later at the start of next week...

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