Wednesday 27 December 2017

Mazal Tov to Nadav and Reut, to Rachel and Yehudah, and to Judy,

Great News to welcome in 2018.  Davnob is delighted to hear the news that Judy is a Savta Raba, the first Noble Great-Grandmother of the Davnob generation. Mazal Tov to Nadav and Reut, to Rachel and Yehudah, and of course to Judy.  The Savta Raba writes: 

I'm overjoyed to let you know that Rachel and Yehudah became grandparents today when a baby daughter was born in Tel Aviv to their eldest son Nadav and his wife Reut!  This makes me a great-grandma - or Savta Raba!  I 'll send you a photo as soon as I have one containing Reut - she's still sleeping it off!

With much love and every good wish for a fabulous 2018!


Saturday 7 October 2017

A Good Read - Kolymsky Heights'

BBC listeners from as far away as Natanya in Israel have contacted DAVNOB to let us know that Lionel's book 'Kolymsky Heights' was the subject of a glowing review on Radio Four's 'A Good Read' - in which Harriette Gilbert invites guests to discuss their favorite books. In this installment Toby Young  suggested 'Kolymsky Heights', and discussed it with Sarah Vine.  The full programme can be downloaded from the BBC iPlayer, (and the discussion will soon be available on this page).

Friday 4 August 2017

Stonesetting for Rosie

Davnob received the following message from Dudie (David Taylor)

Sunday 9 July 2017

And now for the good news!

Responding to the request for 'good news'  - Jean kicked off with the following snippets:  My second new knee is shaping up well. Two weeks ago I played 7 below my handicap. My families and dogs are wonderful. That's the sort of optimism we need!

And Colin followed up with news from the Davidovitz clan:  You asked for some good news - my Grandson  Jack Davidovitz and his wife have just presented me with my first Great a Grand Daughter, so another generation is on its way!  Mazaltov to all!

And news from Radlett: This weekend Robbie Schuster celebrated his barmitsva - mazaltov to Clive, Wendy, Vivienne, Ruth and Paul (oh - and Robbie!)

Monday 3 July 2017


Kathleen Davidson 1919 - 2017

Kathleen's funeral has been arranged for 1pm on 12th July at Eastbourne Crematorium. 

Afterwards there will be a family get together at the Landsdowne Hotel (King Edward's Parade, Eastbourne BN21 4EE). The hotel is on the sea-front at Eastbourne. 

Anyone wishing to make a charitable donation in Kathleen's memory in lieu of sending flowers is encouraged to direct it via Co Op Funeral Care 51 South Street Eastbourne BN21 4SL to St Wilfrid's Hospice Eastbourne.

Directions to the Eastbourne Crematorium:

From the North
1. Travel south along the A22 bypassing Hailsham until you come to the very large roundabout at Polegate.
2. Turn left onto the A27 signposted Hastings, Bexhill and Crematorium.
3. Follow the road to the next roundabout and turn right, again signposted for the Crematorium.
4. Go straight across the next roundabout, then continue to the next roundabout and turn left, also signed for the Crematorium.
5. Carry on, passing the Travel Lodge on the left and Langney Shopping Centre on the right.
6. At the next small roundabout go straight over, then left at the next one into Hide Hollow, the B2191.
7. The Crematorium is the second entrance on the right-hand side. Langney Cemetery is the first entrance on the same road.

From the West (A27 route)
1. Travel east along the A27 until you reach the traffic lights at the junction with the A22.
2. Turn left (north) signposted for the Crematorium and continue until you reach the very large roundabout.
3. Turn right at this roundabout onto the continuation of the A27, signposted Hastings, Bexhill and Crematorium.
4. Follow the road to the next roundabout and turn right, again signposted for the Crematorium.
5. Go straight across the next roundabout, then continue to the next roundabout and turn left, also signed for the Crematorium and carry on passing the Travel Lodge on the left and Langney Shopping Centre on the right.
6. At the next small roundabout go straight over then left at the next one into Hide Hollow, the B2191. 
7. The Crematorium is the second entrance on the right-hand side. Langney Cemetery is the first entrance on the right-hand side.

Friday 30 June 2017

Rachel Barnard Davidson

Davnob is sad to pass on the news that Rachel Barnard-Davidson has died. Steffi recently received the following message from Jimmy Barnard, Rachel's son. "Rachel's health deteriorated, and in February she went in for an operation from which she never regained consciousness.  Shortly after we had a very small funeral for just immediate family." He explained that since he had no list of contacts he had been unable to let the family know. He had only just found a set of emails between Steffi and Rachel.

Before coming to Britain, Rachel had lived in Israel and Brazil, coming from a family with a fascinating history. For many years she lectured on Politics at Westminster University where she met Laurie. When eventually she and Laurie retired from formal academic life, they moved to Portugal, at first living near Coimbra, before eventually settling in a beautiful house in the Algarve near Olhao. However Rachel did not totally abandon academic research. In recent years she began to study Portugese crafts, and began to give lectures locally on Arraiolas carpets, and subsequenty Azulejo tiles. Until recently she was travelling extensively studying these local skills. Despite living 'abroad' in recent decades, she and Laurie kept in contact with the family, and were tremendously hospitable. Rachel was a vibrant person who will be sadly missed. Condolences to her sons Danny and Jimmy, and to Gideon and Adam.

David Davidson

David Davidson

The sombre season continues with sad news from March, when Davnob received news from Nicky Riley that David Davidson died in March at the age of 80. He had recently been diagnosed with cancer. At the time Nicky wrote: 'There isn’t going to be a funeral as David wanted to be buried without fuss or anyone there (like Fay his wife was) and I believe it is a Natural Burial (i.e. eco- friendly) and there is no service.'  

On a more positive note, Nicky passed on the following news about David's grandson, Christopher.

"Now the good news – Sara and Dave’s son Christopher Barrett got married to Rachael on the 11th March.  Unfortunately David didn’t make the wedding as he was too ill but did live long enough for Christopher to take some photos in to show him.  However, Jane and I chivvied Sara on and told her to put David right out of her mind and do what was right for Christopher – be happy and jolly on his marriage.  As you can see from the attached photo she managed that very well and said it was a lovely day.  The photo shows left to right Sara, Dave, Rachael, Christopher and his sister Bethany."

Congratulations to Christopher and Rachael.  Finally there was also interesting news from Nicky about (her son) Harry. She wrote: 

"Harry got into his first choice of university - Leeds and is having a really good time.  He has continued coxing at Leeds and currently coxes the Senior Women’s VIII.  When Harry left Abingdon I thought my days of buying rowing kit were over but apparently not!  I also seem to be paying for a rowing training camp as well although this one is in Wales and not the exotic locations Harry is used to i.e. Bordeaux and Philadelphia!  Harry is in the minority when it comes to male coxes I think there is Harry and one other so most of the photos you see on his Facebook page is Harry surrounded by beautiful girls.  The odds are definitely in his favour!  There is a lovely photo of Harry at a rowing social where he had around 10 girls with him.  It prompted his brother in Australia to put a caption under it “I think you are standing in the wrong queue bro!”.  Below is Harry arriving at the rowing ball!"

Davnob's apologies for not passing all that information on earlier due to our technical incompetence.

Monday 26 June 2017

Kathleen Davidson 1919 - 2017

June 26th:   Davnob is very sad to learn that Auntie Kathleen died today peacefully at Eastbourne.  

All the family sends condolences and warm wishes to Liz, John, Paul and Ben.  

Today is a significant moment for the family since Kathleen was the last of the founding Davnob generation, She was also the true begetter of Davnob, for it was through her efforts and encouragement that an unruly crowd of youngsters got together in  Purley and started to produce the first print copies of the family magazine in 1958. (She actually typed out the old wax stencils and oversaw the rolling out of the gestetner by her impatient nieces and nephews).  In a way her support of the family magazine that brought people together symbolised the way in which she bridged different parts of the family. As a newly married bride, she and Cyril lived with, and looked after grandma - but it wasn't Grandma Davidson, it was Buba, Grandma Noble - and that was no easy task as the formidable old Noble matriarch kept a strictly kosher home!  She was soon the family maven on kashrut.  An early example of her commitment to the family.

She was so proud of her four children - and the strong lives that they led - each in many ways so different and yet all so close. 

As Uncle Joe wrote (of Grandma Davidson) in the first ever issue of Davnob - 'We celebrate you!'  

Sunday 19 March 2017

Auntie Kathleen at 98

Last month (February) Auntie Kathleen celebrated her 98th birthday. Today Vajralila posted a great video clip on facebook at:

Well worth watching - but for those who don't facebook...

Happy Birthday to Davnob's true begetter!

Thursday 16 February 2017

Welcome to Isabella Kate Lawson

Louise and Isabella (Day One)

Following the recent Davnob welcome to Hana (h/t Sara and Mat) and Ziggie (h/t Emma and Paul) Davnob correspondent, Liz, added the wonderful news that John and Roberta are now proud grandparents, and Emily, who has just finished her degree in French and Spanish, is a very proud Auntie. Louise gave birth to Isabella Kate was born on 6th October to Louise and James.

Great Grandma Kate (98 next week) is now the proud great grandmother of four beautiful great granddaughters. She has already seen plenty of Isabella, as Louise has been to visit her several times since the birth. Paul's Tamara has three beauties in Brazil, Cuara, Yana, and Yasmin (familiar to facebook readers) so the tribe is ever increasing!

 Mazal Tov from the whole family to them all!

Incidentally, Isabella Kate is in safe hands, since Louise is a paediatrician (and was reported as working right up until the last moment). 

And for family historians, Liz notes that Louise is the first medical doctor in the family since Emilia Salit (see below) - Grandma’s niece from Vilna, calculated to be Louise’s first cousin twice removed!

Sunday 8 January 2017

Apologies for missed postings!

Davnob (well Roger actually) apologises for the fact that somehow the Davnob email stopped being forwarded to my regular account - so we missed two lots of interesting communication.  

First, in June, Jonathan wrote with news of  Lyna's bat mitsva. He wrote: 'good news to share with Davnob: Lyna celebrated her Bat Mitzvah last month together with her good friend from Hebrew School, Heidi Garmise.

Jonathan and Zippi gallantly flew from Israel for the festivities so Davnob was well represented.'

On the Davnob videos page is a great video that Jonathan and Frances sent (click on the Videos button in the menu bar above). They also sent photos, and when email problems are fully sorted (at least my email problems aren't quite as devastating as Hillary's!)  and Dropbox is being less truculent, we will post the photos. Keep watching!

Then in August, Nicky Riley wrote with lots of news about her family - which we're hoping to post soon.   

The photos here are of Nicky and Andrew with their son Harry at Harry's graduation day from Abingdon School in the summer, and (below) Nicky and Harry. 

 (More news and photos to come - keep watching!)

Meanwhile, congratulation to Jane and David on their first grandchild. Camilla was born to James and Rebecca  in March.