Friday 30 June 2017

David Davidson

David Davidson

The sombre season continues with sad news from March, when Davnob received news from Nicky Riley that David Davidson died in March at the age of 80. He had recently been diagnosed with cancer. At the time Nicky wrote: 'There isn’t going to be a funeral as David wanted to be buried without fuss or anyone there (like Fay his wife was) and I believe it is a Natural Burial (i.e. eco- friendly) and there is no service.'  

On a more positive note, Nicky passed on the following news about David's grandson, Christopher.

"Now the good news – Sara and Dave’s son Christopher Barrett got married to Rachael on the 11th March.  Unfortunately David didn’t make the wedding as he was too ill but did live long enough for Christopher to take some photos in to show him.  However, Jane and I chivvied Sara on and told her to put David right out of her mind and do what was right for Christopher – be happy and jolly on his marriage.  As you can see from the attached photo she managed that very well and said it was a lovely day.  The photo shows left to right Sara, Dave, Rachael, Christopher and his sister Bethany."

Congratulations to Christopher and Rachael.  Finally there was also interesting news from Nicky about (her son) Harry. She wrote: 

"Harry got into his first choice of university - Leeds and is having a really good time.  He has continued coxing at Leeds and currently coxes the Senior Women’s VIII.  When Harry left Abingdon I thought my days of buying rowing kit were over but apparently not!  I also seem to be paying for a rowing training camp as well although this one is in Wales and not the exotic locations Harry is used to i.e. Bordeaux and Philadelphia!  Harry is in the minority when it comes to male coxes I think there is Harry and one other so most of the photos you see on his Facebook page is Harry surrounded by beautiful girls.  The odds are definitely in his favour!  There is a lovely photo of Harry at a rowing social where he had around 10 girls with him.  It prompted his brother in Australia to put a caption under it “I think you are standing in the wrong queue bro!”.  Below is Harry arriving at the rowing ball!"

Davnob's apologies for not passing all that information on earlier due to our technical incompetence.

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