Saturday 26 December 2020

Boxing Day Memories - Davnob Reunion 1998


To see clips from Colin's video from the 1998 Reunion, click on the tab at the top of the page.

Sunday 6 December 2020

Warm, nostalgic images and clips from Sudakini


Sudakini posted on Facebook this wonderful collection of photos and clips of her and Vajralila, Liz, Rob, Rafi and Auntie Kathleen.  DAVNOB had to repost it here at the start of a much needed festive season.

Tuesday 24 November 2020

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Happy New Year!


Translation: Children! You are seeing the star of the New Year. So too, your good fortune will also shine bright and clear. 
(New Year Card in Yiddish: early twentieth century)

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Happy Birthday Colin Davidovitz

To celebrate Colin's 90th birthday we are reposting the link to the fascinating account of his life, 

 (There have been problems uploading pdfs to the site so this is currently work in progress!)

Monday 27 July 2020

Welcome Holly, congratulations Colin and the Davidovitz clan!

This week’s good news story.  Congratulations and Mazeltov to Colin on the birth of a great-grand daughter, Holly Ewington (a sister for Annie).   Here’s a great photo of the newcomer with grandfather Rob Davidovitz. (And of course huge congratulations to Sarah!)

Friday 24 July 2020

Congratulations! News from Nicky, Andrew and Harry

News for Davnob

Our son Harry has just graduated from Leeds University with a 2.1 in Business Management with Marketing. To say I am proud is an understatement - that boy always delivers!

An anecdote as well -During lockdown Harry suggested a Cocktail Evening. He had an app on his phone where you put in all the drinks you have in the cabinet (which is quite a few) and the app suggests various cocktails. We started the evening at 8 p.m.sat around the breakfast bar. By 1.30 a.m. Andrew decided to go to bed but Harry and I kept on drinking cocktails. About 2.30 a.m I was cocktailed out so we moved to the lounge where I had a brandy and Harry a whisky and kept on talking. I suddenly realised that dawn was breaking and I had been up all night! We ended the evening walking across to the field just opposite us and watched the sun rise. A really magical moment and one I will always remember. At 68 I didn't think I would be capable of staying up all night and drinking cocktails and miraculously I didn't have a hangover the next day although how I escaped is a miracle.

Evidence attached!  (see photo above)

I hope all is well at your end.


Nicky x

Thursday 9 July 2020

Steve Noble's interview with Martin Noble

From Steve:

Dear all.

Hope I haven’t missed anyone out - here is the recording of the interview with Martin earlier this week.

Much love

Steve x

Saturday 20 June 2020

Steve Noble interviews Martin Noble - on Zoom (July 7th: 2.30)

Davnob received the following intriguing email from Steve Noble:

Dear Family.

It is my privilege to be asked (actually pushed by Joan!) to interview our Martin for one of the weekly sessions being run by our Synagogue …”Meeting Writers".  Below is all the information relating to it and the link to the Zoom meeting - with meeting number and password in case the link doesn’t open. 

It should be interesting and I hope I do justice in interviewing Martin. Hope you can make it, but if not, it is being recorded and can be accessed about a week later on the Mosaic website.

Much love,   Steve x

Meet the Author – Martin Noble
Tuesday, July 7 - 2.30 pm.  
Steve Noble will interview Martin Noble.“

Martin’s current bread-and-butter work is book-editing for publishers, mainly academic books, chiefly arts, philosophy and humanities for Oxford University Press and Routledge

Among the many authors whose books he has edited or with whom he has collaborated over the past 50 years are:Gary Barlow, George Best, Richard Branson, Anthony Burgess, Alan Carr, Tony Hawks, Sir Derek Jacobi, Stephen King, Jerzy Kosinski, Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber, Colin MacInness, Gareth Malone, Dr Anne Merriman (Founder of Hospice Africa), Dame Jenni Murray, Pat Phoenix, Vic Reeves, Eva Schloss (Anne Franks stepsister, Holocaust survivor), Louis Spence, Rosie Swale-Pope, MBE, Pete Townsend, Ruby Wax, Henry Wermouth (Holocaust survivor), Colin Wilson to name just a few……….“

The interview will be via Zoom at 2:30 pm.

Meeting ID: 854 0516 3132
Password: 576174

If you don’t have a computer / tablet / smart phone, you can still dial in on 0203 481 5240 (standard charges apply) – meeting ID and password as above

Saturday 9 May 2020

Happy Birthday - Iri

Davnob sends warm wishes to Iri Foreman on the occasion
of his 80th birthday - a great whisky fuelled zoom-celebration 
brought together various family members and friends from around the world.

Thursday 7 May 2020

Shame Pudding - a (Noble) graphic memoir

For those who have somehow overlooked the intense interest shown on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and in the world of Graphic Novels, Davnob is delighted to bring to your attention the trailer for Danny's forthcoming Graphic Memoir (available in UK from Blackwells and Amazon, and in US from (appropriately) Barnes and Noble. You don't want to miss it!
(Click to watch).

A celebration of the wacky and wonderful Jewish grandmothers who nurtured the author as she grew from a kid struggling with anxiety and insecurity to a teen finding her own voice.

Wednesday 29 April 2020

Hello, Fresno, Goodbye

As Steffi recently said, 'We came from a large family, and whenever there were get-togethers, we kids had to do party pieces. Clive's was always very popular and we tried to do it along with him, but never managed forward 70 odd years, and my very talented cuz has now honed it to perfection.'

Of course DAVNOB could not resist the temptation to repost such talent for posterity...

Wednesday 15 April 2020

In 1991, Davnob asked family members to send in a short (150 words) account of what they were doing on November 12th 1991.  28 years later this is now an amazing historical family artifact with contributions from Audrey Riley, Benje Noble, Catherine Davidovitz, Charlie Noble, Clive Noble, Daniella Noble, Danny Davidson, Edie Noble, Gittel Jackson, Jean Davidson-Kirk, Joan Fligg, Jonathan Davidson, Jonathan Fligg, Jonathan Noble, Judy Frankel, Kathleen Davidson, Frances Davidson, Liz Davidson, Martin Noble, Min Robins, Noah Rose, Oliver Davidson, Paul Noble, Rafael Sallon, Roger Noble, Ruthie Noble, Sara Noble, Sara Saville, Shishlik, Sidney & Helene Noble, Sophie Noble, Steffi Rose, Steve, Joan and David Noble, Timna Rose, Iri Foreman, David Frankel and Jeremy Frankel.

You can read it now on:

(viewing menu top left - best viewed Classic or Flipcard)

Sunday 5 April 2020

Min wins the Grand National (2000)

Every year Cyrie would phone Min and ask which horse she wanted him to put money on, for the Grand National. To mark the 20th anniversary of the year she won, we delved into the Davnob archives. Here Min and Nettie (Mary's mum) avidly watch as the race progresses.  Click to watch how it unfolds...

Sunday 29 March 2020

Another birthday...

In honour of the second birthday of Lammie's great-great-granddaughter, Annie, today's gallery is Davidovitz themed. 
Little Annie, is Colin's great-granddaughter.

And with a nod to namesake, a picture of her great-great-great-grandmother, Annie Davidovitz.

Saturday 28 March 2020

...and Steffi’s actual birthday

Cyril, Sophie, Grandma and Min admire the new arrival (a few years ago)

Friday 27 March 2020

Steffi's on-line birthday bash

For some obscure reason Steffi's 80th Birthday
was interrupted by events so an on-line happening 
was organised. A historical record of chaos. Below are two extracts.

You are strongly advised to click on 
only one video at a  time
(for reasons of sanity)

Monday 23 March 2020

More from 2008

See the full gallery on the Reunion 2008 page
(click on the link in the menu bar above)

Sunday 22 March 2020

From the Davnob reunion in Eastbourne 2008

Baby, there's no other superstar…

...and the stars of the show...

Thursday 19 March 2020

Do you remember when....

From the Davnob reunion 1998 
Jonathan tries to control Lionel, Sophie, Min and Edie 
as they recall the olden days
(see the videos here)

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Today's gallery

When the kids were young

When the eltern were young

On Brighton Beach (Charlie and Zaida)

Tuesday 17 March 2020



To raise the spirits, a couple of photos to cheer us up...

Judy, Clive and Steffi earlier this year...

Ziggie, Dorrie, Sophie, Joe and Steve 
at Spiritland's New Year Celebration


Thursday 2 January 2020


Doodie (David) Taylor z'l

Davnob is sad to announce that Doodie Taylor has died at the Anita Dorfman residential home in Stanmore. Doodie (David Taylor) was the son of Auntie Leah, and brother of Rosie, Gertie and Alf. So he was a first cousin of the Nobles (Lou, Zig, Charlie and Bernie). You will remember that he was very interested in everything the Davnobs were doing, and continued to keep in touch, and indeed only a few months ago wrote a reminiscence about Solomon Noble,  and before that a fascinating letter about the East End  

The whole family sends condolences and warm wishes to Michele and  Alison.

The funeral was held on Sunday 5th January at 1pm at Bushey New Cemetery.

Sadly, due to illness, the later shiva evenings had to be cancelled. Michele has written that Alison had surgery yesterday to repair a hiatus hernia. She's currently recuperating in ICU, and though tired and sore is recovering. The family sends wishes for a speedy recovery.
