Monday 27 July 2020

Welcome Holly, congratulations Colin and the Davidovitz clan!

This week’s good news story.  Congratulations and Mazeltov to Colin on the birth of a great-grand daughter, Holly Ewington (a sister for Annie).   Here’s a great photo of the newcomer with grandfather Rob Davidovitz. (And of course huge congratulations to Sarah!)

Friday 24 July 2020

Congratulations! News from Nicky, Andrew and Harry

News for Davnob

Our son Harry has just graduated from Leeds University with a 2.1 in Business Management with Marketing. To say I am proud is an understatement - that boy always delivers!

An anecdote as well -During lockdown Harry suggested a Cocktail Evening. He had an app on his phone where you put in all the drinks you have in the cabinet (which is quite a few) and the app suggests various cocktails. We started the evening at 8 p.m.sat around the breakfast bar. By 1.30 a.m. Andrew decided to go to bed but Harry and I kept on drinking cocktails. About 2.30 a.m I was cocktailed out so we moved to the lounge where I had a brandy and Harry a whisky and kept on talking. I suddenly realised that dawn was breaking and I had been up all night! We ended the evening walking across to the field just opposite us and watched the sun rise. A really magical moment and one I will always remember. At 68 I didn't think I would be capable of staying up all night and drinking cocktails and miraculously I didn't have a hangover the next day although how I escaped is a miracle.

Evidence attached!  (see photo above)

I hope all is well at your end.


Nicky x

Thursday 9 July 2020

Steve Noble's interview with Martin Noble

From Steve:

Dear all.

Hope I haven’t missed anyone out - here is the recording of the interview with Martin earlier this week.

Much love

Steve x