Tuesday 15 June 2021

Hull 1899

This is a copy of the wedding certificate of Avram Haim Davidovitz and Annie Salit (here written as Salat; elsewhere Uncle Melakh, Annie's brother, spelt it as Sallett).

A few things to note.  1/ Avram Haim used Hyman as his English name.  2/  We believe that Annie's name was originally Hannah.  Records from Vilnius show that her brother Tevel (Tevye) had a daughter (b. 1900) called Anna - and it is unusual for a child to be named after a living relative. But it is likely that the girl's Hebrew name would also be Hannah - so no evidence there. 3/ Avram Haim's father's name was (as in the birth certificate posted yesterday) Leoric, and he is described as a farmer. 4/ Annie's father is named as Ruben Joseph, as confirmed in Tevye's records. (His name is sometimes Lithuanian/Russianised into Ruvel.

Monday 14 June 2021

Where it all began - documentary evidence

Today's trawl through the archive finally rediscovered the original photocopy of what we presume is Grandfather Avram Haim Davidovitz's birth certificate (still 'presume' because Lionel did not think it was him - and the full debate is on-line in the history section). I got this from the Ciechanow records in Poland in 2004.

We have a rough translation below, but if anyone knows a Russian translator who can give a more  accurate rendering, in particular of the place names, it would be very helpful.  Tomorrow I will post his wedding certificate from Hull in 1899.

No. 125 the village of Krazh. It took place in the town of Tsekhanov in the year of 1868 on the first day of July at nine o'clock after midnight. Leorek Davidovich came in person, a worker living in the village of Krazh, 23 years old, in the presence of shkolniki (interpreter comments: this is translated as schoolchildren from the Russian) Abram Vontroby, 53 years old, and Gershon Totengreber, 31 years old, living in the town of Tsekhanov, to present us a baby,a male, born in the village of Krazh on the twenty second day of June this year at four o'clock after midnight by

his wife Estera Elka, maiden name Kats,26 years old. When the religious ritual was being performed the baby was given the name of Abram Khaim. This akt was signed by us and the witnesses after it had been read. The father cannot write.

Sinatures: Abram Vantroba, Gershon Totengreber

A person in charge of civil state akts

(signature)  " 

Sunday 13 June 2021

Celebrating 5 months since Clive's 80th!

Inexplicably Davnob missed an incredible tribute to Clive on his 80th birthday by his grandchildren worldwide. 

Make sure you take a look at the You Tube  link:-   (click here) Happy Birthday Clive

Friday 4 June 2021

Colin Davidovitz and his Great-Granddaughters

A wonderful photo that spans generations.  As we all finally tiptoe out of lockdown it's great to see this lovely picture of Colin with his Great-Granddaughters.