Tuesday 15 June 2021

Hull 1899

This is a copy of the wedding certificate of Avram Haim Davidovitz and Annie Salit (here written as Salat; elsewhere Uncle Melakh, Annie's brother, spelt it as Sallett).

A few things to note.  1/ Avram Haim used Hyman as his English name.  2/  We believe that Annie's name was originally Hannah.  Records from Vilnius show that her brother Tevel (Tevye) had a daughter (b. 1900) called Anna - and it is unusual for a child to be named after a living relative. But it is likely that the girl's Hebrew name would also be Hannah - so no evidence there. 3/ Avram Haim's father's name was (as in the birth certificate posted yesterday) Leoric, and he is described as a farmer. 4/ Annie's father is named as Ruben Joseph, as confirmed in Tevye's records. (His name is sometimes Lithuanian/Russianised into Ruvel.

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